Book Review and Giveaway: 3-2-1 Stop by Lorilee Lippincott

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3-2-1 Stop: Stop running and start living By Lorilee Lippincot

About the author: Lorilee is a wife and mother of 2 kids. She with her family has decided to live a minimalist lifestyle and make life more about what really matters!

About the Book: (blurb from the 3-2-1 stop website) “3-2-1 Stop is a how-to memoir of learning to love simple living. Lorilee uses personal stories, as well as tips learned along the way, showing how to create a life that makes space for what is most important. Embracing minimalism, she tackles and teaches how to make the hard decisions of simplify the home as well as the schedule. She understands that a full life, really doesn’t need to be that ‘full’ at all. Beyond that, Lorilee addresses the hidden emotional hoarding that keeps our souls running.”

My Review: I’ve really enjoyed reading about Lorilee’s journey to live a more simple lifestyle.  Although I don’t quite agree with everything she has done in her life, that is the beauty of it. We are all different by nature.  I think every one can read 3-2-1 Stop and take something beneficial away from it. Reading through her first section on STUFF, got me really excited to start going through our house and start tossing..well..stuff!  I know we have an abundance of items that are rarely if ever used. Why do I still hold on to that? My rational is that I might one day find a use for it. Lorilee’s helped me see that, I also might never use it, and the space is much more precious to me than the stuff.

I really think you have to read 3-2-1 Stop with an open mind, and willing to work it into your personality and lifestyle. For me, apartment living is not ideal. We did it for almost 6 years, and we weren’t happy. We never felt like we had our own space, and for our family, we need our space. Plus, compared to the last apartment we were living in, home ownership actually saved us money, so we’ve been able to do more fun family activities then we could while renting.

The main point I feel Lorilee is trying to tell us all, is we need to stop valuing stuff, and things, and start living a full life with our families. Doing what makes us happy, instead of filling up our schedules every second of the day so we never have time to rest. I’m on a mission to live a more simple life, to enjoy my family more, and really look at the stuff I surround myself with.

You can find more about 3-2-1 Stop by visiting the book’s site here
You can also keep up with Lorilee’s journey of simple living by visiting her blog here

Lorilee is offering 3 of my readers a copy of 3-2-1 Stop
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