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I hope you all had a wonderful Easter Weekend. It fell right in the middle of our Spring Break, so we got a lot done on our bathroom remodel, but we also kept it fun and Spiritual for the kids. To celebrate Easter simply we had this Jerusalem dinner.
Saturday we went to the town’s Easter Egg Hunt. It was absolutely wonderful, and the kids may make it in the local newspaper! We got way too much candy though, so the Easter Bunny left one basket of goods for the family to share. I was actually pretty happy with this route, because it meant we could spend Sunday focusing a little more on the true meaning of Easter.
After church, we turned on The Testaments. A beautiful movie about faith in Christ, that ends with his Resurrection and his visit to the America’s (as told in The Book of Mormon). You can purchase it through Deseret Book.
After the movie, and some nice Sunday relaxation we ended our day with what I’m calling a Jerusalem Meal. I got the idea from SugarDoodle. While most families I assume were eating Easter Ham, we had a much simpler meal consisting of what Christ would have eaten. The only thing we were missing was some Lamb, because I couldn’t find it at our local grocer, and I didn’t want to make the drive out to Walmart.
Want to create your own Jerusalem Dinner?
A few musts –
Unleavened Bread, Grapes, Plums, cheese, and grape juice.
I added the hard boiled eggs because we have quite a few in the fridge. You could also add some lamb to your meal, and trade the juice for milk. Not pictured here is honey. I think the honey really made a nice addition to the bread.
I used Catholic Cuisine’s recipe for Unleavened Bread, but I added about 1 tsp of Rosemary to ours. It was quite good.
The kids and I loved this meal, Mark would have enjoyed it more with a little meat. It was a great lesson to teach the girls about the food ate during Christ’s time on earth though.
I really love the simplicity and the non commercialism of your Easter Dinner.
Thanks Diane. I think a lot of holidays are over commercialized. I want my kids growing up knowing exactly why we celebrate Easter, and not just as another holiday full of gifts.