LDS General Conference Sunday Morning Recap #LDSconf

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President Henry B. Eyring spoke of unconditional love, and the choices that will lead us to happiness, and choices that will lead to unhappiness. What I took to heart personally was near the end of his talk when he said

“We cannot force God’s children to choose the way to happiness….but we can let them see it in our lives”

Isn’t that powerful?  Many people struggle with finding happiness in their lives, some have depression that makes that choice even harder – so let’s try to show more happiness in our lives, and share it with those who struggle.

Dallin H. Oaks gave a powerful talk on the 10 Commandments, and specifically the first commandment to love God. He questioned what we might be putting priority on in our lives above serving God. Perhaps it’s a career, education, recreations, political correctness, or material possessions. I came away with ways I put God first, and ways that I can and should do better –sharing my religion here for example will become more a priority.  

Near the end of his talk, Elder Oaks quoted the following from President Monson –

Bonnie L Oscarson serves as the General Young Women President. This is a program for young girls in our church age 12-18. I’ll just quote a portion of her talk here, because I really liked it. 

True Conversion is more than merely having a knowledge of gospel principles and implies even more than just having a testimony of those principles…Being truly converted means we are acting upon what we believe and allowing it to create a “mighty change in us, or in our hearts.”

This can be applicable to many different areas of your life. It is one thing to have knowledge of something, it is completely different to act upon it.

Richard J. Maynes followed Sister Oscarson beautifully as he spoke of enduring to the end, and the relation our testimony and conversion have with our ability to endure trials along the way. When we have a strong testimony and are converted, we will be able to more fully reach the end of our trials.

 Richard G Scott bore a beautiful testimony when he told us about the personal strength we can receive through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. He spoke to all of us and warned us to be on guard at all times, because Satan will be looking to lure us back into past sins.

“We must be ever vigilant to avoid his enticements. Such was the case of the the faithful Ammonite fathers. Even after their years of faithful living, it was imperative for them to protect themselves spiritually from any attraction to the memory of past sins.”

I encourage you to read the story of the Ammonites in the Book Of Mormon: Alma chapters 23-56.

President Thomas S. Monson said “Only the Master knows the depths of our trials, our pain, and our suffering. He alone offers us eternal peace in times of adversity. He alone touches our tortured souls with His comforting words.

You can watch Sunday morning’s session of conference at this link.

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