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One item I love keeping around the house is powdered milk. I use it mostly when making bread, but sometimes I like to keep a pitcher of it in the fridge as well. Growing up I had a friend whose family always drank powdered milk. I personally don’t care for the taste of it, but I have found other ways to use it that save our budget.
Milk prices seem to keep going up, and at close to $4/gallon here, it can really add up when you’re trying to stick to a budget. It gets even more expensive when you have 3 little kids who love drinking milk day. I use the powdered milk in just about all my baking now. It doesn’t effect the taste, or consistency of the dish, and it’s a lot cheaper than using your good milk. I’ve also started using the powder milk when making the girls mac and cheese. Then there are days like today where we ran out of milk, and I haven’t had a chance to make it to the store; the powdered milk is a good substitute for the kids breakfast cereal too.
Just look at this price comparison
1 #10 can of Non-Fat Dry Milk – Cost $14-16 (pending on brand)
1 gallon of milk – $4 (approximate)
1 #10 can of Powdered Milk can make approximately 10 gallons of milk. So that’s $14-$16 for 10 gallons
10 gallons of Milk will cost $40.
Double take – will you pay $40 for 10 gallons, or $16? That’s over a 50% savings!!!
EDIT: This all depends on the brand. This comparison was using Peggy Layton Brand. The brand I currently use, Rainy Day Foods, only makes 5 gallons, but also only costs $13. Do your homework, and check the brands servings per container to get the most for your money.
EDIT: This all depends on the brand. This comparison was using Peggy Layton Brand. The brand I currently use, Rainy Day Foods, only makes 5 gallons, but also only costs $13. Do your homework, and check the brands servings per container to get the most for your money.
If you’re looking to save some money, and make your milk last longer, I would seriously look into buying powdered milk.
It’s the last week of the month! That means grocery budget is spent, and we’re cutting corners, and being creative in our menus. We’ll be eating lots of beans this week – at least until Friday.
Monday – Potato Casserole and Salad
Tuesday – Bean and Cheese Enchilada casserole
Wednesday – Chili
Thursday – Leftovers
Friday – Dinner at my parents
Saturday – Mark’s Birthday: I’m taking him back to our first date at a Japanese Restaurant.
Sunday – Dinner at my parents
I’m linking this up to Organizing Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday
Wow, milk costs a lot where you are!
I love to use powdered milk in baking too. No one can tell the difference, and I find it more convenient. It's great in mixes.
My mom swears by making up the powdered milk with warm water, mixing it well, and not drinking it until it's chilled overnight. She says it tastes much better that way. I know she's right, but I still prefer fresh milk for drinking. 🙂
One other way she used to get us to drink powdered milk was to make up a whole pitcher of chocolate milk with it. That disappeared fast!
I'm stopping by from Organizing Junkie's Menu Plan Monday today for a blog visit.
Thanks for the money saving tip! I think I'll try powdered milk this week.
Looks like there's going to be some delicious meals this week at your house.
This gal is always looking for recipe ideas and inspiration.
Thanks for participating in MPM!
Thanks for coming by! I hope you find powdered milk a good money saving option for your family!