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In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, I wanted to share my thoughts on emergency preparedness. As I continue to get my family prepared for any emergency, I will continue to share what we do here.
- (2) Mainstay 3600 Emergency Food Rations
LED flashlight, (2) snaplights
(2) Emergency sleeping bags
(6) hand and body warmers
emergency whistle and 5-in-1 survival whistle (compass, mirror, waterproof matchbox)
(2) ponchos
First Aid supplies (include bandaids, neosporin, anti-bacterial wipes, and any medications you take)
swiss army pocket knife
(2) packs of tissues
(6) bottles of water
- 4 granola bars
- 2 juice boxes
- 2 pkg Ramen noodles
- 4 pkg beef sticks
- 3 fruit rolls
- 27 pieces of candy
- 2 single serve hot chocolates
- 1 pudding cup
- 1 cup of soup
- 1 pkg nuts
- 1 pkg cookies
Day 1
Breakfast – 2 granola bars, 1 juice box
Lunch – 1 pkg Ramen
Dinner – 2 pkg beef sticks, 1 fruit roll
snack – 9 pieces of candy
Day 2
Breakfast – 1 hot chocolate mix, 1 fruit roll
Lunch – 2 pkg beef sticks, 1 pudding cup
Dinner – 1 cup of soup
Snack – 9 pieces of candy
Day 3
Breakfast – 1 fruit roll, 1 juice box
Lunch – 1 pkg Ramen Noodles
Dinner – 2 granola bars, 1 pkg nuts, 1 hot chocolate
Snack – 9 pieces candy, 1 pkg cookies
Other items you may need to add for this to work – dishes (bowls) for the ramen, cups for the hot chocolate, plastic utensils and garbage bags. You will already have your water in the above 72 hour bag.
*I’m linking this emergency menu plan to Orgjunkie.com
This is on my to-do list!! I love your kit. You really did a great job and I bet you feel much more at ease knowing you will be prepared if you ever need it…which I hope you never do!!
These are great. I'm glad to see they include candy it really does boost your moral.
This is such an awesome idea. I like the breakdown of meals. Thanks!
My boyfriend is a big fan of that show, Doomsday Preppers. He'd always tell me about ideas and tips he learned there. It seems silly, to think about "prepping" like that. But I really think it's a must-do. I mean, we've seen how bad things can get after a storm – you can NOT rely on anyone else to come and help you.
So, we're working on putting together bags like this, stockpiling more food and water in totes in the garage, and looking at buying a few new gadgets – like a food dehydrator, water purifier, etc.
Up here in Washington state we don't have a lot of storm threats – but we do get freak snow storms once in awhile. Now that I'm a mom, I want to make sure we could be safe in an emergency! Love your tips here – pinning for future reference 🙂
That is a great idea. I've become very panicky since having my kids, and I even have my own "disaster bag" for our family packed and ready. There's way too much in it (I think I packed for a weekend getaway instead of an actual disaster – lol.)
That's great you've put together a bag already! I would definitely go through it again, and make sure you have what you really need. You don't want to be hauling something around, that you wouldn't use in an emergency.
I don't have a kit but want to get one ready now. I even had a post in September about Emergency Preparedness and I still didn't get mine together. So necessary and relevant. Thanks for this post!
Help me out here, I don't understand the candy part of the kit.
This is also on my to-do list! What I love is that you took the extra step to write out how the supplies would be used each day. This is a great post and I'm sure it inspired a lot of people to really think about preparing for emergencies. Thanks for sharing! #SITS