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Grocery Shopping with 4 kids, with every one of them wanting to ride in the cart, is quite difficult. I am so glad I stocked our freezer with some meals before little Prince was born, but it’s been 3 weeks, and those meals are gone. So this weeks menu is going to consist mostly of things we have in our pantry. If I have to, I’ll make a night time run to the store, alone, and leave Mark with the sleeping kids. It’s just easier that way.
This week the plan is
Monday – Meatloaf and corn on the cob
Tuesday – Bread Bowls with Cheesy Potato Soup
Wednesday – Girls night!! kids with Nana and Opah, Mark is on his own.
Friday – Church party. I’m making 2 dozen (maybe more) cookies. I’m going to try these Snickerdoodles
Saturday – Lasagna
Sunday – White Bean Tomato and Vegetable Stew
I used to push around the cart that had a bottom that was a car. First I had to find it in the parking lot of the grocery store and then pushing it around was quite a work out with 2 kids in it.