Teriyaki Shrimp Stir fry in 30 minutes

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Teriyaki Shrimp Stir Fry cooks up in 30 minutes, and gives you flavor and ease every mother of 5 kids is looking for.

Teriyaki Shrimp Stir Fry cooks up in under 30 minutes

For a month I listened to my 10 year old ask for Stir Fry. For a month, I hemmed and hawed. I like Stir Fry, but was feeling overwhelmed with suddenly needing to cook 3 meals a day for my 5 children.

I finally got around to making this Teriyaki Shrimp Stir Fry, when Birds Eye was looking for influencers to share how they use their frozen veggies. I opened my freezer, and starting brainstorming – Asian Medley veggies, Shrimp – seemed like the perfect stir fry was coming together.

Teriyaki Shrimp Stir Fry

I’ve learned a lot over the past 2 months as I’ve fried, baked, whipped, and stirred my way through the COVID-19 pandemic. The biggest is that I sorely underestimate the power of frozen foods, and perhaps rely too much on canned foods.

What I love about this Teriyaki Shrimp Stir Fry, is that it got my kids to try Shrimp, and it was super easy and fast to make. Bonus points, if you have leftover rice in the fridge. You could fry it up right in the sauce and veggie mix for more ease and flavor.

Teriyaki Shrimp Stir Fry
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Teriyaki Shrimp Stirfry Yum
  1. Melt butter in a large frying pan with Teriyaki sauce over medium heat.
  2. Add Birds Eye SteamFresh Asian Medley, and cook over medium heat until veggies are tender.
  3. While veggies are cooking, in a medium pot, cook rice in water.
  4. Add Shrimp to the veggie mix, and cook 5-10 minutes until heated through.
  5. Serve shrimp and veggies over rice.
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15 thoughts on “Teriyaki Shrimp Stir fry in 30 minutes

  1. While I was in the Thanksgiving prep mood, I also prepped the green beans for Mark’s required Green Bean Casserole. I was concerned they wouldn’t stay fresh a full week in my fridge, so in the freezer, with a label, they went.

  2. As I’ve fried, baked, whipped, and stirred my way through the COVID-19 pandemic over the past two months, I’ve learnt a lot. The largest is that I probably rely too heavily on canned goods and grossly underestimate the potential of frozen foods.

    My kids finally tried shrimp thanks to this Teriyaki Shrimp Stir Fry, and it was incredibly simple and quick to prepare. If you have leftover rice in the refrigerator, bonus points. For greater convenience and flavour, you might cook it right in the sauce and vegetable mixture.

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