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Chase Danger Super Spy
Mystery of the Special Sauce
32 pages of story and illustrations tell the tale of a 6-year-old-super-spy fighting villains to rid the world of their diabolical plans. Included is a 20 minute read along theater CD which brings all the action to life with a narrator, full cast of voices, sound effects and original music. Totally action-packed and written to thrill young audiences with every page turn.
I wanted to get to know Lisa and her family a little bit better, so I asked if they wouldn’t mind answering a few questions. Read on, because this is one fun family!
What is your favorite Book?
J.K Rowling is up there right now, as she probably is with a lot of people. Who didn’t love the Harry Potter series? The suspense leading into the 7th book was pretty intense. Chad has been reading the swashbuckler of Rafael Sabatini which are filled with adventure, “Scaramouche” and “Captain Blood” are a lot of fun. We both have enjoyed reading Ian Fleming recently, searching for inspiration for the Chase Danger books. Lloyd Alexander (The Black Cauldron) was a huge favorite as a kid, all his books are whimsical, magical and delightful. We all lean toward adventure and mystery
If you’re book were turned into a movie, who would you cast?
Since we’re dreaming, can we have anyone, dead or alive? Vincent Price would make a great Igor Fimple, and Marlon Brando could play anything he wanted. We’d need Tom Cruise or Johnny Depp, of course! Is Dakota Fanning too old to play Princess Ali Bali? Does she have a younger sibling in the right age range? The kids parts would have to be fresh faces. If Antonio Banderas isn’t available to play Zalezgon, we’d settle for Desi Arnaz or even Joe Pesci would be brilliant. Robert Deniro would be a great Captain Looney, but he’d need a wig.
What are your favorite Holiday Tradition?
We love to create special holiday meals. Heart shaped pizzas on Valentine’s, green ravioli’s on St. Patrick’s, etc.
Our Favorite, though, is what we call the “Christmas Eve Suite”. This meal includes wrapped “presents” (grilled veggies wrapped in fillo crust), a “wreath” made of spaghetti squash and sliced persimmons, “yule logs”, (manicotti filled with ricotta cheese, spinach and sliced grilled chicken) and topped with cherries, cranberries and assorted gum drop candies. If it sounds weird to you, well, we’d probably agree… but it’s wonderful in person. And it’s only once a year.
Chase has already begun asking for it, but it’s no mystery that he’s only thinking of the gum drops
Here in Los Angeles with no snow, we have outdoor malls where they shower fake “snow” from the rooftops. It’s become a recent tradition to visit the snow for an evening and do our shopping all at once.
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The Chase Danger Super Spy books would make a great gift for any young child this holiday season. With the Read Along Theater, your kids can take reading to another level! Although I think boys will really get into this new comic style series, my girls enjoy them just as much.
Where to Buy
You can purchase Printed Books with the CD at chasedanger.com
or download the books instantly from iBookstore
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