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It’s official – I don’t like picking tile. There are too many options that I love. We decided to go with a gray/yellow (very light not in your face yellow) for our bathroom colors. I had seen some inspiration for it on pinterest (can’t for the life of me find it now!). Mark was pretty easy to convince, but now that we’re looking at tile, all I can think, is maybe I should have chosen the colors after the tile.
Monday we had the plumbers in adding the line to the shower, and adjusting our vanity. Unfortunately, they had to turn the water off to the whole house for the majority of the day. When you’ve got 4 small children, 2 potty trained, and have a small bladder yourself – it’s just not great to shut off the water. So I took the kids, and we went window shopping all over town. Of course I just had to take them to Home Depot and check out tile.
I think Mark got pretty sick of me calling every few minutes with a new tile he should look at online, or a price to see if it was good, and hey should I just go ahead and buy some while I’m here? So I eventually stopped calling, and instead texted him my 4 top choices of tile.
That was Monday. It’s now Wednesday, and I still don’t know which one I like best. The plan is to tile the shower walls the same as the bathroom floor, and then do a contrasting tile for the shower floor. I think the Crema Marfil and Desert Sunset would go absolutely gorgeous together, but it’s a little too much yellow…since we planned on painting the walls yellow as well. Am I right? Just a little too much. So maybe we’ll go with the Artisan Ghiberti, and find something else for the shower floor to contract a bit.
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PS: Artisan Ghiberti
They are all beautiful choices, but I am totally in love with the Desert Sunset tile! I love the variegated details. It could be overwhelming for the entire room, so I guess it depends on exactly what/how much you are planning to tile.
Here's a little secret: I loved bathrooms with little tiles in a random mosaic pattern. They are great for "meditating" when you are in the bathroom with no reading material. TMI? I hope not. :o)
Great Post