Currently in March

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March has arrived! I do believe Spring is on it’s way right? Shout out to Choose Happy for hosting the Currently link up each week. Although you may only see me monthly joining in, I do love giving you a glimpse into my day to day life and thoughts. Currently I am…

Making – I’m getting St Patty’s crafty over here!! Here’s a little sneak peek for you, but keep an eye out, because the tutorial is coming later this week!

Watching – Octonauts. and more Octonauts. Why do the kids love this show so much? Netflix people, please please add season 3. Or take it off. I’d like to find something new.

Enjoying – A clean kitchen! Thanks to Mess 2 Success (a facebook support group), I am waking up to a clean kitchen almost every morning. The support has been a lifesaver for me in this sea of non-stop chores

Loving – The sunshine. We really don’t have any snow left up here, but we were still quite cold. It has warmed up to the 40’s and 50’s this week with sunshine! We even drove home from church yesterday with the windows open. Bliss I tell you. Look at these gorgeous kids with the sun shining in on them!

Thankful – for caring teachers. Both at school and church. When something seems to be wrong with one of my children, rather than ignore it, they talk to me. They ask if anything is going on at home, or with other kids in the class. Truly these teachers love my kids as much as I do.

Quote of the Day – I’m taking it back to the very first “quote” I ever pinned. Such great advice on things I’m trying to do to continue to build my marriage this year. Follow my Quotable Quotes pinterest board for more inspiring words.

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