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For Girls Like You Magazine is dedicated to exposing young girls to the things they love without the negative imagery and advertising that is often found in mainstream entertainment. Instead every article, interview, and photo we feature supports a Christ-centered value system.
As a Christian family, this is what I’ve been looking for! A magazine that goes beyond gossip, and outward beauty. For Girls Like You focuses on the value we each have as girls, and re-enforces what I’m trying to teach at home.
This is one gift I’m happy to share with my 6 year old. We’ve only had our copy for one day, and she’s hardly put them down.
I love that they also have a For Girls Like You Journal. Although Princess V isn’t writing on her own yet, she is beginning to. We’ve decided to use her new journal to write down any new words she learns. Today, she sounded out and read the OPEN sign at the store. So as soon as we got home in her journal it went.