Funny gifts – To give or not to give? {Think About It}

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Funny Gifts?

Do you give funny gifts?  I’m not really a funny gift giver. I like to appeal more to the sentimental side of people when I give a gift. I enjoy the thought going into a gift. The hunt for that perfect gift that someone will cherish for years to come (or as long as it will take them to eat…I give a lot of food gifts).
So I can’t really think of any funny gifts I’ve ever given. I’m not sure I’ve ever received a funny gift either.  Though there was this one time, my brother gave me, I guess a funny gift. I thought it was pretty neat, and I still have them.
One part of the gift was a Barbie Wedding Dress (no doll included). His reasoning behind it, was because someday I would get married.  True that! Maybe I should have looked to that dress for inspiration before purchasing mine, but I didn’t. I still have it somewhere though!
The second part was a model car. It too is in storage somewhere, or I would tell you what model, but it is a nice silver car.  My brothers reasoning for this gift? Because someday I would have my license and be driving around.
Mind you at the time he gave me these, I was I think 10 or 11. I thought they were the coolest gifts ever!  He was probably trying to be funny.
Now cards! I do have a funny card from my brother. The picture was 2 eggs sitting on a beach. One was cracked and frying. The other had his sunglasses on and relaxing with a quote bubble “Bob forgot his sunscreen” or something to that effect.
How about you? Do you give funny gifts?
I’d love to hear about them.


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